1E Automated Self Service for ServiceNow

Formerly Virtual Assistant

Extend your Service Catalog and Virtual Agent with advanced automation to instantly fulfill requests.

Multitasking woman working and engaged in a phone conversation for efficient communication and productivity
1E - Work Wonders

How it helps

1E Automated Self Service for ServiceNow is a set of advanced automation capabilites that extend your Service Catalog and Virtual Agent so you can instantly fulfill requests without making end users wait to get back to work.
1E - Work Wonders

Core features

1E Automated Self Service for ServiceNow features ServiceNow Service Catalog Connect and Endpoint Automation for ServiceNow Virtual Agent.

ServiceNow Service Catalog Connect

  • Publish items to your service catalog with fully automated outcomes–right down to the endpoint.
  • Automated changes, installations, and fixes to reduce tickets and work disruption.
ServiceNow Service Catalog Connect
Endpoint Automation for ServiceNow Virtual Agent Dashboard

Endpoint Automation for ServiceNow Virtual Agent

  • Your virtual agent will automate resolutions when end users surface an issue that has a known fix.
  • If the end user agrees, the fix runs, and the virtual agent follows up to confirm resolution.

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